4 pm
The latest installment of GOV-TV’s documentary film series on Albuquerque neighborhoods focuses on Barelas, arguably the oldest settlement in the area. Interviews with former and current Bareleños bring to life the vibrant history of Barelas, from its beginnings as a farming community on the Camino Real to its reign as the employment center of Albuquerque to a range of challenges and a sense of revival in the last few decades. The piece was produced and directed by Anthony DellaFlora for GOV-TV, and shot and edited by Charles “Bazz” McClain. The 35-minute documentary includes interviews with 13 current and former residents of the neighborhood and includes many rare photos. The piece is part of the GOV-TV’s “Neighborhood At a Crossroads” series. Previous documentaries featured Martineztown and Alamosa. GOV-TV is the government access TV channel for Albuquerque and Bernalillo County.
The film will be followed by discussion led by Bareleños, members of the Artful Life Community Art Ensemble, and refreshments.
Free and Open to the Public | Please RSVP: valerie.martinez@state.nm.us.