8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday
8:00 am – 1:00 pm Tuesday
Positive Links presents Stop the Violence. The 2023 New Mexico conference on the link between animal abuse and human violence. Learn from experts in the field, get training, and network with others so we can raise awareness and look for solutions on how to Stop the Violence.
$72 Advance, $92 Standard & $107 Day of Event.
$15 add on for CLE & CEU
Reservations still available at the event.
- The event is a rental event not an NHCC production. The title, content, photos/images and description for this event were provided to the NHCC by the organization renting the NHCC venue for the event. By serving as a venue and posting the event on its website, the NHCC is not endorsing any views expressed in the title or description of the event, nor is it endorsing the content of the event.