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AfroMundo Festival: Resistance & Creativity: Afro-Indigeneity

April 17, 2023

7:00 pm

Screening of film “Garifuna in Peril” (2012), 99 mins.

Produced and Directed by Alí Allié y Ruben Reyes

Latin America has traditionally treated Indigenous and Afro peoples as separate. Yet the fates and identities of both have been intertwined since the arrival of Africans to the Americas. The film Garifuna in Peril delves into the Indigenous and Afro roots of the Garinagu, also known as the Garifuna.

Panelists include: Garifuna Scholar Pablo Jose Lopez Oro; San Ilefonso Tradition Bearer and Healer Tauz Tamu Povi; Afro-Latinidad and Afro-Indigeneity Scholar Dr. Sheryl Felecia Means; and Big Queen of the New Orleans Washitau Nation, Ausettua AmorAmenkum.

Free Community Event. Please register here or call the NHCC Welcome Center at 505-724-4771 for assistance.


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April 17, 2023
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