6:00 pm: Doors open
7:00 pm: Film Screening
Antigravity Films & Red on the Side present CINEMA RENDEZVOUS. Join us for an evening of local short films and stay for the world premiere of the fan film Star Wars: Rendezvous, followed by a Q&A with our featured local filmmakers. Hosted by Brent Peterson of Antigravity Films, and Crystal Thomas of Red on the Side Productions.
Mix & Mingle with Star Wars Characters at 6:00 pm; screening begins at 7:00 pm, followed immediately by the Q&A. Seats are limited. Tickets are free, though donations to help cover the theater rental are greatly appreciated. Concessions will be available for purchase.
Free Community Event
#starwarsrendezvous #cinemarendezvous
Runtime: 90 minutes
- The event is a rental event not an NHCC production. The title, content, photos/images and description for this event were provided to the NHCC by the organization renting the NHCC venue for the event. By serving as a venue and posting the event on its website, the NHCC is not endorsing any views expressed in the title or description of the event, nor is it endorsing the content of the event.
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