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Film: LGTBI+ en línea: El niño que quería volar

October 20, 2020

12 pm (available for 48 hours)
Instituto Cervantes Vimeo Channel Here

Instituto Cervantes Albuquerque presents LGTBI+ en línea, an online showcase of short subjects, both feature films and documentaries, by Spanish, Colombian, and Mexican filmmakers showcasing the individuality and creativity demonstrated in the exploration of distinct sexual identities. It is presented in collaboration with the National Hispanic Cultural Center as part of the Bank of America Free Film Series.

In Madrid during the 1980s, five-year-old Ivan is confronted with the birth of a younger brother.  His sister is his father’s favorite, and the new baby is his mother’s favorite.  Jorge Muriel Mencia’s short feature film poses the questions of what Ivan’s place is in this new situation, and what if he could fly and escape?  2018; Spanish with English subtitles; 20 minutes; not recommended for children under 12.

Free virtual community event

Ciclo de cortometrajes LGTBI+ en español from Instituto Cervantes on Vimeo.

LGTBI+ programming:
* Friday, October 2: Porque no (Colombia/Spain: Ruth Caudeli, 2016)
* Tuesday, October 6: Eva menos Candela (Colombia, Ruth Caudeli, 2018)
* Friday, October 9: Juan de las brujas (Mexico, Andrew Houchens, 2019)
* Tuesday, October 13: Princesa de hielo (Spain, Pablo Guerrero, 2017)
* Friday, October 16: Piscina (Spain, Carlos Ruano, 2017)
* Tuesday, October 20: El niño que quería volar (Spain, Jorge Muriel Mencia, 2018)
* Friday, October 23: Visibles (Spain, Enrique Rey Monzón, 2018)
* Tuesday, October 27: En la azotea (Spain, Damià Serra Cauchetiez, 2016)
All titles will be available on the Instituto Cervantes Vimeo channel for 48 hours.


October 20, 2020
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