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Instituto Cervantes Film Series: Generaciones and El país del futuro

September 19, 2024

2:00 am (MST)

In this online film series, which plays throughout the month of September on the Instituto Cervantes Vimeo channel, we bring together, in collaboration with the Punto y Raya platform, four sessions with experimental pieces that allow us to explore the possibilities of the audio-visual image and abstraction as a form of creation: a freer creation, where form, color, movement and sound compose evocative messages.

The short films will be available on the Cervantes Institute’s Vimeo channel for one week, starting at 2:00 am on September 19.

Link Generaciones: https://vimeo.com/video/963031836

Link El País del futuro: https://vimeo.com/video/963034780

The Tunisian cities of Tunis and Sousse were the setting for two workshops coordinated by the Instituto Cervantes of Tunis under the title “Counterline and Counterpoint” held in November 2023.

Abstracción en movimiento: Punto y Raya at the Instituto Cervantes

Students from the Lycée Pierre Mendès France in Tunis and the Mhamed Driss Lycée Français International in Sousse were guided by the founders of the international platform Punto y Raya, dedicated to the production, promotion and education of audiovisual arts in its purest form, Ana Santos and Nöel Palazzo, to create two abstract audiovisual works inspired by the classical mosaics housed in some museums in Tunisia. The final work is a similar dialogue between organic and geometric forms, creating its own moving designs and fluctuating freely between one style and another to tell a story of harmony and counterpoint.

Inspired by the ancient mosaics that can be found in the Bardo National Museum or the Archaeological Museum of El Djem in Tunis; mixing themes of Greek mythology, country scenes, hunting or landscapes, from the third century BC to the fifth century AD, with games of shapes, rhythms and compositions more geometric and closer to the Islamic tradition, Generaciones and El país del futuro propose precious narratives where nature is always present despite the high degree of abstraction in the image.

Screening: Generaciones y El país del futuro; Director/s: Punto y Raya (Nöel Palazzo y Ana Santos); Year: 2023; Format: Digital; Running time: Cortometraje – 1 min; Genre: Anamation/Animación; Country: Túnez; Rating/Calificacion: SC

Abstracción en movimiento” presents the pieces produced by those attending the Punto y Raya workshops held at the Instituto Cervantes centers in Prague, Tunis, Utrecht and Warsaw, since 2021.

Young students between the ages of 12 and 16, guided by artists and expert facilitators and directed by Noel Palazzo and Ana Santos – directors of the Punto y Raya Festival – offer us for this cycle evocative films with great communicative force, created from simple forms and updated animation and illusionism techniques adapted to the new possibilities offered by the digital world.

indicated until 2:00 am the following Thursday.

“Abstracción en movimiento” Program:
• September 5: Live Visual Music (2021), coordinated by Aurora Gasull
• September 12: Con ton y son (2022), coordinated by Pepon Meneses and Laura Ginès
• September 19: Generations and The Country of the Future (2023), coordinated by Ana Santos and Nöel Palazzo
• September 26: Abstract phantasmagorias (2023), coordinated by Ana Santos and Nöel Palazzo.

All titles will be available on the Instituto Cervantes Vimeo channel for one week, from 2:00 am on the Thursday indicated until 2:00 am the following Thursday.


September 19, 2024
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