12:00 pm MST (available for 48 hours)
Instituto Cervantes Vimeo Channel Here
Sin Dios ni Santa María takes as its starting point the historical rereading of the figure of the witch, an investigation that led its directors to texts like Calibán y la bruja, by Silvia Federici. It is an analysis that unearths the dynamics of social expropriation directed over the body, knowledge, and reproduction of women for centuries.
Free Community Event.
About the film series: Instituto Cervantes presents Arrebato en celuloide. Flashes of light and other divergences in Spanish cinema, a new film program that shows a selection of works by authors who use the super-8 analog format for their creations. This series is based on the Spanish film program Mostra Internacional de Cinema Periférico de A Coruña. The director of the Galician festival, Ángel Rueda, has selected eight short films that speak to the cinematographic experience founded as an aesthetic precedent by Iván Zulueta.