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Jugamos Juntos: Cantando la Cultura

June 10, 2017

10:30 am to 12 pm

The National Hispanic Cultural Center is pleased to offer free children’s programming during the summer. During June, July, and the first Saturday in August, families will be able to come to the Center on Saturday mornings for hands-on art activities, bilingual sing-alongs, outdoor activities in the Bosque and to explore the science of cooking on a rotating basis.

On the second Saturday of each month, Cantando la Cultura will provide participants with the opportunity to learn and sing along with traditional songs reflecting Hispanic heritage, taught by local musicians. These programs will include opportunities for families to learn the history and background of the New Mexican and Latin American songs they learn to sing while practicing and using their Spanish.

Please pre-register HERE (so we know how many materials to prepare)

For more information please call or email Elena Baca at 505-246-2261 or ElenaD.Baca@state.nm.us
Free, $5 donations are encouraged to support the artists & purchase supplies


June 10, 2017
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Domenici Education Building
1701 4th Street SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
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