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La Canoa: David Garcia “Acequia Resolanas: Mutuality, Social Praxis and the New Mexico Acequia Movement in the New Millennia”

February 23, 2019

2 pm

Dr. David Garcia is a Ph.D. Visiting Scholar in the University of New Mexico’s Center for Regional Studies as well as a Part-Time Instructor in the Department of Chicana/Chicano Studies. Dr. Garcia is with the Anthropology Department at the University of Texas at Austin.

Please join Dr. David Garcia as he presents a talk on the role Resolana plays within New Mexico acequia communities. In the last decade, Resolana has functioned as a traditional gathering space, a place of governance, and as an emergent metaphor for social organizing. This talk details how the Resolana is being used by the New Mexico Acequia Association as a central theory which functions as a mode of engagement from acequia canals to the halls of state legislature. Building on the work of La Academia de la Nueva Raza, a 1970s organization based in Embudo, New Mexico, this mode of engagement has continued on as a form of movement-building. The creation of La Escuelita de Las Acequias, within the New Mexico Acequia Association, demonstrates this. In addition, Dr. Garcia will discuss the significance of language performance and space within the resolana and the significant role the resolana plays as a customary infrastructure for the local ethnopoetics of acequia governance in New Mexico.

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February 23, 2019
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