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Maravilla 2020 “Una Noche en El Mundo Hispano”

September 12, 2020

5:30 pm
Be apart of the Best Virtual Gala of the year by logging on to www.maravillagala.com

This year’s Maravilla is about community, appreciation and love – sharing the rich and colorful Hispanic culture, as well as the 27 Spanish speaking countries across the globe. The program encompasses the cultural soul that is our jewel – the National Hispanic Cultural Center.

This year we are celebrating all 27 Spanish speaking countries. The Maravilla 2020 is the National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation‘s annual fundraiser who’s contribution supports our mission to inspire connection to the preservation, promotion and advancement of all Hispanic people through experiences, art, culture, and humanities.

The Silent and Featured Auction closes on Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 4PM! Click here to see all the items and start bidding.

Presenting Sponsor: