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Monthly Speakers Program for the Hispanic Genealogical Research Center of NM (Rental)

September 1, 2018

10:30 am

David V. Holtby will present “Lest We Forget, World War 1 and New Mexico.” The title of Mr. Holtby’s presentation is from his recently published book by the same name, which will be available for purchase at the meeting for $33.

More than 14,000 New Mexicans served in uniform during World War 1 and thousands more contributed to the American home front. Yet today in New Mexico, as elsewhere the Great War and the lives it affected are scarcely remembered. Lest We Forget confronts that amnesia. The first detailed study to describe New Mexico’s wartime mobilization, its soldiers combat experiences, and its veterans postwar lives. The book offers a poignant account of the profound changes these Americans underwent both during and after the war.

David V. Holtby is the author of “Forty Seventh Star: New Mexico’s Struggle for Statehood: and has served as Associate Director and Editor in Chief of Universisty of New Mexico Press. Hope to see you at the September meeting.


September 1, 2018


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