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Virtual Book Reading and Discussion: Manuel González, Duende de Burque: Alburquerque Poems and Musings

March 7, 2021

3 pm (MST)

Live via Zoom. Register HERE

A virtual event partnership with the University of New Mexico Press and the National Hispanic Cultural Center. Manuel González will read and be in conversation with Valerie Martinez, Director of History and Literary Arts at the National Hispanic Cultural Center.

At its center, Manuel Gonzalez’s Duende de Burque is a love letter to Alburquerque and its surroundings—the Sandia Mountains, the Rio Grande Bosque, and all the people whose spirits fill these spaces.  Manuel González was the City of Albuquerque’s third poet laureate (2016-2018). González is a performance poet who began his career in the poetry slam.

Free community event

Manuel González has represented Albuquerque many times on a national level as a member of the Albuquerque poetry slam team. Manuel has appeared on the PBS show, Colores, in “My Word is My Power.” He was one of the founding members of the poetry troupe, “The Angry Brown Poets.” Manuel teaches workshops on self-expression and poetry in high schools and youth detention centers. He also works with an art therapist to help incarcerated young men express themselves through writing.

Presented by Bookworks, History and Literary Arts Program/NHCC, and UNM Press.