10 am (screenings at 11 am & 2 pm)
Free screenings of the documentary film Willie Velasquez Your Vote Is Your Voice and voter registration drive, presented in partnership with New Mexico PBS. The film introduces viewers to the man who led the Southwest Voter Registration and Education Project and launched 1,000 voter registration drives in 200 cities, paving the way for Latinos to have a voice in government and underscoring the growing power of the Latino vote. Patrons will be able to register to vote on-site.
The film will provide a better understanding of historical, political, and social issues facing Latinos, America’s largest growing minority group. The story of Willie Velasquez’s life trajectory and the people he met along the way on the American political scene is fascinating in itself. Through the lens of his journey from radical student activist to respected statesman, we can examine the history of the Latino vote, the barriers Latinos had to overcome to obtain representation, contemporary issues facing Latinos today, and the implications for the current election cycle.
Free public event