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Film: El Apóstol


7 pm An escaped convict follows the Camino de Santiago in an attempt to recover the stolen jewels hidden years ago by a fellow inmate in the remote, wooded Galician village of Xanaz. There, he encounters sinister old men, strange disappearances, spirits, a peculiar priest, and even the archbishop of Santiago de Compostela in this tale full of fantasy, terror, and humor. The stop-motion 3D animation film was partially produced through crowdfunding, with a total of 560 producers. Presented in partnership with Instituto Cervantes as part of (more...)

¡RESILIENCIA! The Experience of Jewish Communities in Spain and the Americas: Lecture & Film


3 pm ¡RESILIENCIA! The Experience of Jewish Communities in Spain and the Americas. Organized by Instituto Cervantes,Casa Sefarad@Nahalat Shalom, Festival Djudeo-Espanyol, National Hispanic Cultural Center. In collaboration with Consulate of Mexico, Red de Juderías de España, Diputación of Lleida, Latin American and Iberian Institute at UNM, Consulate General of Israel in Houston, Jewish Federation of New Mexico, Congregation B´Nai Israel, Congregation Albert, ADL Mountain States Region, New Mexico Humanities Council and Century Automotive, a Mapfre Company. Lectures: 3 pm – 6 pm Lecture: Women of Valor 1. (more...)

¡RESILIENCIA! The Experience of Jewish Communities in Spain and the Americas: Double Feature Film Screening


7 pm ¡RESILIENCIA! The Experience of Jewish Communities in Spain and the Americas. Organized by Instituto Cervantes,Casa Sefarad@Nahalat Shalom, Festival Djudeo-Espanyol, National Hispanic Cultural Center. In collaboration with Consulate of Mexico, Red de Juderías de España, Diputación of Lleida, Latin American and Iberian Institute at UNM, Consulate General of Israel in Houston, Jewish Federation of New Mexico, Congregation B´Nai Israel, Congregation Albert, ADL Mountain States Region, New Mexico Humanities Council and Century Automotive, a Mapfre Company. 7 pm - “Persecuted and saved” (2017) Directors: Daniel and Jaume (more...)

¡RESILIENCIA! The Experience of Jewish Communities in Spain and the Americas: Round Table & Film


7 pm ¡RESILIENCIA! The Experience of Jewish Communities in Spain and the Americas. Organized by Instituto Cervantes,Casa Sefarad@Nahalat Shalom, Festival Djudeo-Espanyol, National Hispanic Cultural Center. In collaboration with Consulate of Mexico, Red de Juderías de España, Diputación of Lleida, Latin American and Iberian Institute at UNM, Consulate General of Israel in Houston, Jewish Federation of New Mexico, Congregation B´Nai Israel, Congregation Albert, ADL Mountain States Region, New Mexico Humanities Council and Century Automotive, a Mapfre Company. Round Table: 7 pm Fernando Vara de Rey, director of Instituto (more...)

Film: The Caborca Jew, A Mexican Story


8 pm A documentary inspired by the narrator’s grandfather, this film tells the real-life story of a Polish immigrant trying to get to the United States to escape both war and poverty, but inadvertently finding himself in Caborca, a small town in Sonora, Mexico. It is a moving and uplifting account of an individual’s strength and commitment to maintain his faith in the face of extraordinary obstacles, including the fact that he is the only Jew in a Catholic community and is unable to speak the language. (more...)

Film: Zoot Suit


7 pm In Zoot Suit, Luis Valdez weaves a story involving the real-life events of the Sleepy Lagoon murder trial and the subsequent, racially fueled Zoot Suit Riots throughout Los Angeles.  The trial followed the death of José Díaz, found unconscious near the “Sleepy Lagoon” reservoir in 1942, and resulted in the conviction, despite insufficient evidence, of several young Latinos charged with complicity in his murder. The fears and hostilities aroused by its coverage pitted servicemen stationed in Southern California, along with white civilians, against Mexican American (more...)

Film: En Donde los Bailadores Se Entregan los Corazones


7 pm Join us for the Albuquerque premiere of Cody Edison’s En Donde los Bailadores Se Entregan los Corazones, a music documentary celebrating the New Mexico string band Lone Piñon. Through relationships with elders, study of archival field recordings, and connections to parallel traditional music and dance revitalization movements in the U.S. and Mexico, Lone Piñon has brought the language of New Mexico traditional music and related regional traditions back onto the modern stage, back onto dance floors, and back into the ears of a young generation. The (more...)

Film: Embrace of the Serpent/El abrazo de la serpiente


7 pm Filmed almost entirely in black and white in the Amazon jungle, Embrace of the Serpent focuses on the relationship between an Amazonian shaman and two Western scientists over the course of 40 years, and was inspired by the travel journals, written decades apart, of two explorers who traveled through the Colombian Amazon during the last century in search of a sacred and difficult-to-find psychedelic plant. In respecting spirituality of place and rules of nature handed down through centuries, it attains, in addition to its extraordinary (more...)

Film: Con el viento/Facing the Wind


7 pm Con el viento honors the filmmaker’s grandparents’ village, and the disappearance of its culture with their passing, while examining the issue of uprooting in all its complexity. After 20 years away in Buenos Aires, Mónica, a dancer and choreographer, receives a call that her father is dying and must return to the remote village in Burgos, Spain, where she was born. When she arrives, her father has already passed away and her mother asks her to stay and help her sell the family home. As (more...)

Film: Leona


7 pm A universal tale of star-crossed lovers is given a uniquely Mexican twist in writer-director Isaac Cherem’s debut film. Ariela, an independently-minded young artist living with her Syrian-Jewish family in a cloistered Jewish neighborhood in Mexico City, finds herself torn between her family and a forbidden romance with a non-Jewish writer, who shows her a world of possibilities beyond her sheltered life. As their feelings deepen, Ariela must negotiate the labyrinth of familial pressure, religious values and traditions, and her own burgeoning sentiment, finding that there (more...)

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