
history and literary arts

La Canoa – Rosebud: Population 7


All events at the NHCC through April 9, 2020 have been cancelled / postponed. Please call the NHCC at 505-246-2261 for more information. 2pm - 4pm Giving shape and form to the rich cultural heritage of family and homeland. Erlinda Gonzales Berry reads and discusses her coming-of-age collection of stories as the product of remembering, of giving shape and form to the rich cultural heritage bequeathed to her by her antepasados and beloved homeland. “As I attempt to shape the final stage of my journey on this (more...)

Book Reading and Signing, Sergio Troncoso, A Peculiar Kind of Immigrant’s Son


POSTPONED. Check back for new date and time. Free and open to the public. How does a Mexican-American, the son of immigrants, a child of the border, la frontera, leave home and move to the heart of gringo America? How does he adapt to the worlds of wealth, elite universities, the rush and power of New York City? How does he make peace with a stern old-fashioned father who has only known hard field labor his whole life? With echoes of Dreiser's American Tragedy and Fitzgerald's Gatsby, (more...)

NHCC Children’s Bilingual Book Festival

History and Literary Arts Building

All events at the NHCC through April 30, 2020 have been cancelled / postponed. Please call the NHCC at 505-246-2261 for more information. 9 am to 5 pm The Children's Bilingual Book Festival takes place at the National Hispanic Cultural Center (NHCC) in April of each year and features K-6 books in Spanish and English and Native Languages in English. There are author readings, a book fair, student storytelling, poetry performances, workshops for teachers and parents, and art and book-related activities for all ages, including teens. Join (more...)

Querencia: Reflections on the New Mexico Homeland, a Facebook live event

NHCC Facebook

1 pm Facebook Live Event Querencia: Reflections on the New Mexico Homeland, a Facebook live event hosted by Bookworks in partnership with the University of New Mexico Press and the National Hispanic Cultural Center. Join us for a conversation with editors of a new anthology, Querencia: Reflections on the New Mexico Homeland, forthcoming from the University of New Mexico Press (June 2020). Vanessa Fonseca-Chávez (ASU), Spencer R. Herrera (NMSU), and Levi Romero (UNM and New Mexico Poet Laureate) will read from the anthology and talk with moderator Valerie Martínez of the National Hispanic Cultural Center. Hosted by Bookworks. This collection (more...)

NHCC Book Club

5:30 pm - Online via Zoom The NHCC Book Club meets once a month to talk about that month’s selected book. Book for July: The Ladies of Managua, Eleni N. Gage. To join the NHCC Book Club, register here. NHCC Book Club members who purchase their books through Bookworks get a 10% discount on that title.

NHCC Book Club

5:30 pm The NHCC Book Club meets once a month to talk about that month’s selected book. Book for August: A Long Petal of the Sea, Isabel Allende. To join the NHCC Book Club, register here. NHCC Book Club members who purchase their books through Bookworks get a 10% discount on that title.

Premiere: K-12 Social Studies and Language Arts Educational Curriculum for “Mundos de Mestizaje”

5 pm Link Available HERE The History and Literary Arts program presents the premiere of a K-12 social studies and language arts educational curriculum inspired by "Mundos de Mestizaje," the buon fresco masterpiece on the NHCC campus by artist Frederico Vigil. By engaging with images and video of the fresco online, children and young adults, anywhere, are able to explore history, geography, civics, government, literature, and economics through lesson plans and activities. Free

Tertulia Histórica Albuquerque: Revolts and Revolutions

Live via Zoom or in-person

2 pm (MTS) Live via Zoom Register in advance for this meeting HERE. Rob Martínez, New Mexico State Historian Since colonial times, revolts and resistance have been a regular part of New Mexico history. Puebloan people had revolutions against Spanish political, economic and religious institutions. Spanish colonists resisted Spanish  governors who thought themselves superior. Mexican New Mexicans resisted Mexican governors they did not like, and Pueblo and Genizaro natives joined in. New Mexicans revolted against American governors and economic institutions when things were not to their liking. (more...)

NHCC Book Club

5:30 pm The NHCC Book Club meets once a month to talk about that month’s selected book. Book for September: Ordinary Girls: A Memoir, Jacquira Diaz. To join the NHCC Book Club, register here. NHCC Book Club members who purchase their books through Bookworks get a 10% discount on that title.

Podcast: Globalquerque 2020: World Music

Listen to La Hilacha Podcast Here In episode 11 of History and Literary Arts’ popular new podcast, La Hilacha, ¡Globalquerque!'s Tom Frouge joins Valerie Martinez, Director of History & Literary Arts ¡Escuchar! “La Hilacha: Words and Memories” is the title of the NHCC podcast because we understand history and literature as an unraveling thread, from the richness of our individual and collective stories into the writing that tells these stories to the world.  New episodes of the podcast appear every three weeks. Free

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