4:00 pm NHCC | Albuquerque Journal Theatre Presenting The Little Gym Dance Studios 2024 Recital , A Season for all Dancers. $12 General Admission *The event is a rental event, not an NHCC production. The title, content, photos/images and description for this event were provided to the NHCC by the organization renting the NHCC venue for the event. By serving as a venue and posting the event on its website, the NHCC is not endorsing any views expressed in the title or description of the event, nor (more...)
5:00 pm: Food Trucks & Cash Bar 6:00 pm: Breaking Hearts 7:00 pm: Screening Director’s Talk & Q&A to follow immediately after screening. NHCC | Bank of America Theatre STREET HEROINES is an award-winning feature-length documentary celebrating the courage and creativity of women who despite their lack of recognition have been an integral part of the graffiti and street art movement since the beginning. With authentic vérité storytelling woven between an interview-driven narrative, STREET HEROINES juxtaposes the personal experiences of three emerging Latina artists from New York City, (more...)
6:00 pm: Food Trucks & Cash Bar 7:00 pm: Screening 8:00 pm: Director’s Talk & Q&A to immediately following screening. NHCC | Wells Fargo Auditorium Join us for a panel discussion with Filmmaker Ray Santisteban and Black Panther activist Aaron Dixon. The First Rainbow Coalition, Directed & Produced by Ray Santisteban, charts the history and legacy of a groundbreaking multi-ethnic coalition that rocked Chicago in the 1960s. Comprised of activists from the Black Panthers, the Young Patriots (southern whites), and the Young Lords (a former Puerto Rican street (more...)
7:30 pm Saturday 3:00 pm Sunday NHCC | Albuquerque Journal Theatre New Mexico Gay Men’s Chorus and National Hispanic Cultural Center celebrate Pride with a Latinx flair! Orgullo! A Latinx Pride Celebration showcases the culture and passion of the Latinx community. New Mexico Gay Men’s Chorus and special guests, in partnership with NHCC, will present a Pride performance sure to be muy caliente! Orgullo! A Latinx Pride Celebration will feature Latinx artists and put a spotlight on the people who have always been a part of the (more...)
8:00 pm National Institute of Flamenco & the NHCC present Eduardo Guerrero y Compañía in the U.S. premiere of Bailar no es Solo Bailar. The incredible Cádiz-born Eduardo Guerrero brings Bailar no es Solo Bailar to the stage, a work full of profound expression. Guerrero aims to dive into the basics in a humble, simple way, without distracting artifacts and observe what happens when we let the minimal invade us, that innocent dance of the beginning returns to our body - what happens when we eliminate all (more...)
8:00 pm National Institute of Flamenco & the NHCC present Mercedes de Córdoba y Compañía in Sí, Quiero Considered one of the most powerful and authentic dancers of her generation, Mercedes de Córdoba brings her celebratory personal work to the U.S. for the first time. Sí, Quiero is a categorical answer that admits no doubt. An anachronistic oath, and a forceful and necessary cry that vindicates commitment as a revolutionary act. This beautiful work reaffirms the act of wanting through an artistic discovery of what one is (more...)
8:00 pm National Institute of Flamenco & the NHCC present Manuel Liñán y Compañía in Muerta de Amor. Spanish National Dance prize winner Manuel Liñán brings his brand new work to the U.S. for the first time. Muerta de Amor creates a space where desires nourished by past longings coexist and feelings can be reclaimed. In this new creation, Manuel Liñán seeks sustenance through emotion and flesh, a journey inviting him to discover humanity's need for connection, the closeness between bodies, what drives them, and their consequences. (more...)
8:00 pm National Institute of Flamenco & the NHCC present Farruquito y Compañía in Concierto Flamenco. Synopsis coming soon! $55, $70, $85, $100 & $115 * This price includes a $4/ticket NHCC fee
8:00 pm National Institute of Flamenco & the NHCC present Festival Flamenco Alburquerque 37: Fiesta Flamenca. The Friday performance features Adela Campallo, Rafael Campallo, Eduardo Guerrero, María Moreno, & Yjastros. Please note: the Friday Fiesta Flamenca will have different cast of performers than the Saturday night Fiesta Flamenca. $65, $82, $95, $110 & $125 * This price includes a $4/ticket NHCC fee
8:00 pm National Institute of Flamenco & the NHCC present Festival Flamenco Alburquerque 37: Fiesta Flamenca! The Saturday performance features Karime Amaya, Manuel Liñán, Mercedes de Córdoba, Farruquito y Compañía, & Estévez/Paños. Please note: the Saturday Fiesta Flamenca will have different cast of performers than the Friday night Fiesta Flamenca. $65, $82, $95, $110 & $125 * This price includes a $4/ticket NHCC fee