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Performing Arts
All Day
Free Summer Series Film Screening: The First Rainbow Coalition (2019)
Roy E. Disney Center for Performing Arts: Wells Fargo Auditorium 1701 4th Street SW, Albuquerque6:00 pm: Food Trucks & Cash Bar 7:00 pm: Screening 8:00 pm: Director’s Talk & Q&A to immediately following screening. NHCC | Wells Fargo Auditorium Join us for a panel discussion with Filmmaker Ray Santisteban and Black Panther activist Aaron Dixon. The First Rainbow Coalition, Directed & Produced by Ray Santisteban, charts the history and legacy of a groundbreaking multi-ethnic coalition that rocked Chicago in the 1960s. Comprised of activists from the Black Panthers, the Young Patriots (southern whites), and the Young Lords (a former Puerto Rican street (more...)