Spare Afternoon

23rd Annual César Chávez Day

10:30 am – Marcha 12 pm – Fiesta Join the 23rd annual César Chávez Day celebration, with a march beginning at 10:30 am and ending at noon at the National Hispanic Cultural Center’s Plaza Mayor.  Following the march, the family fiesta at the Center includes poetry, dancing, community awards and exhibits, children’s activities, food, a keynote speech by Carlos Marentes, and live music by Las Cafeteras. Carlos Marentes has dedicated his life to improving the lives of farmworkers in New Mexico and Texas, creating the organization Sin (more…)


El Retrato Nuevomexicano Ahora / New Mexican Portraiture Now

Opening alongside its companion exhibition from the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, “Staging the Self / Ponerse en Imagen”, this exhibition will highlight portraiture by New Mexican artists. Curated by the NHCC’s Visual Arts Program Director Dr. Tey Marianna Nunn, this exhibition features paintings, drawings and photographs by eleven New Mexican artists: Lydia Gallegos, Miguel Gandert, Edward Gonzales, María Dolores Gonzales, Oscar Lozoya, Max-Carlos Martinez, Derrick Montez, Arturo Olivas, Gene Ortega, Cecilia Portal, and Jocelyn Salaz. *****Extended by popular demand to June 12, 2016!!!!


Portraiture Now: Staging the Self / Ponerse en Imagen

This traveling art exhibition was organized by the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery in collaboration with the Smithsonian Latino Center and curated by Taína Caragol, the National Portrait Gallery’s curator of Latino art and history. Staging the Self features 54 works by six contemporary U.S. Latino artists—David Antonio Cruz, Carlee Fernandez, María Martínez-Cañas, Rachelle Mozman, Karen Miranda Rivadeneira, and Michael Vasquez.

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