history and literary arts
Demetria Martinez, “Sanctuary: Readings & Recollections”
History and Literary Arts Building6 pm This talk is part of the educational programming related to People Powered: New Mexicans and Social Movements. Martinez will read from her novel, Mother Tongue, and talk about the 1988 conspiracy in connection with allegedly transporting two Salvadoran refugees into the United States. That historical moment speaks to conditions, today, in the struggle to stand with our immigrant brothers and sisters. Demetria Martinez has written poetry, essays, and novels. She co-authored a book on immigration reform with former Oklahoma Senator, Fred Harris. She was honored with an international Latino (more...)
Voces Summer Institute: Accepting Applications
History and Literary Arts BuildingVoces is a FREE month-long summer writing institute for teens (ages 15-18) presented each summer by the National Hispanic Cultural Center. Teens spend 4 WEEKS IN JUNE writing, creating art, writing, learning from guest artists, writing, sharing, writing, collaborating, writing, and reading/performing for peers and the public at two celebratory events. The program runs each weekend day in June from 9:30 am- 4 pm with a free lunch included. Voces is FREE. Register by May 17: https://nhccnm.wufoo.com/forms/w150mzfo087z6fn/. Limited to 15 students so grab your spot! #writingislife #voces2019 #keepwriting (more...)
Poetry Writing Workshop
History and Literary Arts BuildingFebruary 13 – April 10, 2019 Eight weeks, Wednesdays, 6 pm to 8 pm Poetry Writing Workshop for intermediate-advance poets. Do you crave a community of fellow poets? Do you want to be inspired to write new work? This eight week poetry workshop, for intermediate-advanced poets, is writing-intensive. You will be inspired by readings of Latinx poets as well as by helpful and supportive workshops and discussions. The workshop culminates with a public reading at the NHCC where you share your new work. Instructor: Valerie Martínez is (more...)